Predictions Vedic Astrology July 2022


Useful reminder: calculate your vedic astrology sign before:



These natives are surely going to improve their health this month, most will start going to the gym or even esthetic surgeries. Their focus on health will make them improve the quality of life all per total. 

In their relationship they might still have quarrels with their partner, so they are kindly advised to pick their battles. Also, for those who have children , they might have an opportunity to travel abroad. 

In their home , they might buy new decorative things. They are also focused on improving their speech. Especially since they are learning something new this month. As the month progresses, some might move if their chart supports it, or they might decide to learn something new specially something around their speech or writing. 

Since Saturn goes retrograde, they might have to reassess their connection and friendships , might even be contacted by people they used to work with in the past with new opportunities around work or studies. At the middle of the month, Saturn goes into their 10th house of career and status, making them work extra or even get promoted or get a raise . 

As the month ends, they might get more delays in work or anything that is around the legal department, for example getting a new driver license or anything that makes you work with an authority. Might even have difficulty selling or purchasing a new house. 


Their month starts in a more romantic mode, if they have a partner they did or will travel soon with them. They are also full of ideas and make new plans with their partner. Even with family they have a good and balanced relationship, especially with siblings. 

In their health they are still advised to be careful and mindful of their habits and eating, some might not pay close attention to their eating routines. 

At work, even though they are more busy than ever, they might get new opportunities and make new connections in the work environment. They might even get an opportunity later in this year if they stay focused on this career path. 

They get more courageous as the month progresses and are bold in their workplace. They might even start learning something or just bring more knowledge to their career . 


These natives are very communicative and outgoing this month at least until the middle, they have lots of energy and they are the social butterflies this month. Even tho their creative energy is on the low, but only until the middle July. 

In their career, they might get lots of opportunities to meet new people , new work connections and they should take advantage of this as it will come handy in the future. They might feel lightly spaced out, due to the fact that the planetary arrangement pushes them to socialize and make new plans in work and personal life and not so much internal reflections. They will gain more popularity. 

Studying is also something they pay a lot of attention to, even though they might not get the results they wish, and might want to redo some classes in the future. 

As the month ends, they are more creative and might even make some changes around the way they look. They will spend a lot of time with their family from the middle to end of July . They might also go back to something they previously studied and abandon it, they might restart research in that area. Some might even get some inheritance.


They might still have unseen problems around home and cars, sadly this might only improve at the end of the year.

They are lacking energy as the month begins and might be more quiet than usual, and might talk a lot about the past. 

Their finances also require a makeover and they are very focused on their income.In their work, they have a lot of ambitions and are in search of a teacher , if they didn’t find one already to help them advance in their work. 

A theme of the past is in their cards, old acquaintances or even old problems resurface, but will relax more as the month ends.  Still they are very focused on their friendship and will enjoy good company with friends this whole month.

As the month ends they become more outgoing and social, even though old problems in their relationship might resurface too. They too might face some problems in delays when it comes to legal papers. But also they are more lucky than usual with Jupiter blessing their 1st house. 


Another outgoing native this month is leo. They are more focused on friends, connections even work ones, and of course communication. 

Even though they are very sociable with the outside world, in their family they are not very talkative, especially with siblings, but they are more than ever ready to talk about philosophy or even something they read. 

Those that are in a relationship might have some problems in it, or start to see old problems resurface in their partnership, but if they are single , they might see that old love relationship somehow resurface. If they have kids, they might have some problems around those this year .

Their courage might be lower than ever, especially making career decisions. 

They finish the month very tired, and are highly advised to take care of their health, a routine around that is advised. They might have some sleep problems as the month ends. 


Please remember these native to eat if you know any. They might be more space out when speech is concerned, that is because they need to listen more this year. 

If they haven’t received an inheritance this year they might by the end of it, or their partner might get a raise. They will have many encounters with their past, either people or problems or even ideas they had. 

Their health is something they need to look after and make sure they have a healthy routine, around food, work and exercise. 

Those that are single for sure will meet someone this year , and those that have someone will see an improvement in their relationship. If they have kids, as the month ends they might have some minor problems in their kids’ health. 

They have a lot of focus to advance in their career and this month they might get some opportunities for it.

They will make new connections as month ends, especially with females, and they will help them advance in their career. 


Not very confident about them are these native this year, but will also have a lot of opportunities to grow and learn new things about them. Their partner, if any, is in charge of making decisions as they are very conflicted and hesitant. 

Yet they are more serious about learning and their mental habits.

In their work , they will face some obstacles but are helped by their peers and will advance regardless. They might lose some money this month.

As the month ends, they might have more work in their home, or might even buy or sell a house or car. They focus on career and promotions,and not spend more time home or are mostly far from home. Improving their skills and learning might help them gain more confidence. 


They are kindly advised to not argue too much with their peers, they are very focused on their routine, and should include some workout routine as well. 

They might think of upgrading or buying a house or car. Waiting for retrograde to end is highly advised. 

In their relationships they are generally happy, if they have a partner, if not there are high chances to meet someone new . If they have kids, they will spend quality time with them. Also they might discover some secrets.

As the month ends, they have high chances to travel, they might even start thinking about learning something new, one of their friends might teach them something as well . If they have siblings , they might ask for some help.

Sagittarius :

They might spend more time home, or around their partner. They are traveling and spending their time mostly planning for the future. 

Their courage is slowly decreasing and they might be more cautious about their finances, some even retrospect around their words. 

They are very focused on their romantic connections, but their desire for connection might not be very wise at the moment. Also they are not listening to their friends’ advice very much either. 

As the month ends, their finances might require much attention. They might also get a job opportunity from a female co-worker. Their father could face minor health problems.


For these natives Saturn is retrograding the second and first house. Putting a lot of pressure on them, also on their values and finances. 

They are more courageous about their emotions even though they are known to be more closed off. Also they might think or try a new career path that is more out of the norm. 

The relationship with their father might not be very good at this time, but as far as career they are learning a lot to improve their skills at work. 

Their relationships are good, and if single they might meet someone close by their house, same neighborhood or even at or through work .

As the month ends, anything that they did not work on will resurface and make them “face the music”. 

They might feel like others are more powerful than them or more skilled, but they are kindly advised to focus on their study and work as it will bring more satisfaction. 


Saturn tests the water by entering their first house and checking their karmic path. They felt a lot of pressure on them lately and we do remind them to remember to rest. 

With finances and work they are doing very well, also health, and they feel very brave.

Relationships with father could be a bit colder than usual, and they might not get many opportunities to travel this year. 

They communicate a lot with their kids or if single they are more flirty then usual. They might improve their home and buy more decorative things. 

As month ends they are advised to make sure not to argue too much at work, especially with peers and to make sure their communication is clear. 


They might isolate themselves more and be more focus on work, secrets around work and not only might come to surface. 

They are very focus on their income and work , and they communicate a lot to create new work connections. 

They are more confident, and if single could meet someone new thru their best friends or even a female in their own family might introduce them to a potential love interest. They might also change or improve their house. 

Help in their work might come from an older person , who might teach them or point them in the right direction to gain new learning and skills. 

They might also want to improve communication with their own kids and push them to be more social. 

Liana Olariu

Vedic Astrologist & Jyotish Seeker